MP Asks Why no Drug Testing by Traffic Police

Filiz Besim - CTP
[Former Health Minister – Dr Filiz Besim – CTP]
Wednesday, 18 October 2023 

CTP (Republican Turkish Party) representative Dr. Filiz Besim questioned at the Assembly why the police were not conducting drug tests during traffic monitoring and following accidents, despite the fact that the law on this test is in force, Yeniduzen reports.

In response, the Minister of Transport, Erhan Arıklı, cited budget constraints. Besim argued that the testing equipment required is not prohibitively expensive and is also important for the prompt treatment of emergency cases, implying that the budget issue was a weak excuse.

Arıklı replied that it would be included in the 2024 budget. This exchange occurred during a parliamentary session, highlighting concerns regarding the implementation of drug tests in traffic.




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