Christodoulides also addressed the proposals from the Greek Cypriot side regarding Confidence Building Measures (CBMs), revealing that it was agreed to hold a meeting with Tatar in Cyprus to explore the possibility of establishing new crossing points. However, he clarified that “negotiations are not yet at the point of resumption“.
When asked about the meaning of “extended talks“, Christodoulides explained that this referred to discussions involving the three guarantor countries. He added that the positions of Athens and London on this matter were positive, but “no date has been determined” for the next steps.
Christodoulides reiterated the importance of safeguarding the progress made in previous negotiations, particularly the six points outlined by the Secretary-General. He noted that some proposals made by the Secretary-General during the dinner were not accepted by Tatar.
Regarding Maria Angela Holguin’s mission, Christodoulides emphasised that the Greek Cypriot side wanted the mission to continue, though it was clear that “someone other than the Secretary-General will take the leading role in the Cyprus issue“.