Over One Hundred Turkish Cypriots Awaiting Evac From Gaza

Child in Gaza Strip
[Photograph by Palestinian resident in Gaza Strip]
Saturday, 21 October 2023

Deputy Foreign Minister Ahmet Yıldız has disclosed that 322 Turkish citizens are among the approximately 700 individuals in the Gaza Strip, waiting to be evacuated, Turkish daily Hurriyet reports.

While tensions continue to escalate between Hamas and Israel, the group awaiting evacuation also includes 104 Turkish Cypriot citizens and 214 relatives of Turkish citizens, Yıldız said during a briefing to the parliament’s foreign commission on Thursday.

Among these individuals are those who are married to Palestinians and those employed by state media or the Ministry of Health 

Efforts are underway to provide medical treatment to the injured in Gaza, with preparations either in Turkey or the establishment of a hospital within the region, Yıldız told the commission.




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