UBP Deputy Chairman Ersan Saner has presented the names of the members of the cabinet formed by the UBP-YDP-DP minority government to President Ersin Tatar.
They are as follows: Prime Minister: Ersan Saner
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Energy: Erhan Arıklı
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu
Minister of Interior: Kutlu Evren
Minister of Finance: Dursun Oğuz
Minister of National Education and Culture: Olgun Amcaoğlu
Minister of Tourism and Environment: Fikri Ataoğlu
Minister of Health: Ali Pilli
Minister of Labor and Social Security: Koral Çağman
Minister of Transport: Ünal Üstel
Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources: Nazım Çavuşoğlu