Possible Fraud Discovered at Assembly Budget Meeting

2024 - Budget Committee
[Assembly Budget Committee]
Saturday, 11 November 2023

Concerned were raised at an Assembly budget meeting held on Friday about thousands of liras worth of fuel purchased for two vehicles which were being repaired, Yeniduzen reports

MPs on both sides were concerned about what appeared to be an act of fraud and tensions rose to the point where the meeting was interrupted.

Both opposition and government members of the parliament raised concerns about the inclusion in the budget for 98 octane fuel for two malfunctioning Assembly vehicles under the vehicle expenses category.

Daily Fuel Purchases For Vehicles Under Repair

Vice President of the Assembly and CTP (Republican Turkish Party) deputy Fazilet Özdenefe stated, “Fuel is being put into non-functioning vehicles at regular intervals. How can this be explained? Thousands of liras worth of gasoline have been put into non-existent vehicles. The budget cannot be continued to be discussed. An investigation must be opened...”

UBP (National Unity Party) deputy Hasan Küçük also commented, “It is said that the vehicle is under repair, there is a document showing that it has been received, but at the same time, gasoline is being purchased for this vehicle every other day. I feel ashamed to talk about this issue in this way”.

To obtain more detailed information on the matter, the meeting was temporarily adjourned for 10 minutes. Hasan Küçük expressed sadness in bringing up the vehicle issue, stating that they were expecting an explanation. He emphasised that the Parliamentary Presidium was also being put under suspicion.

Going on the defensive, Speaker of the Assembly, Zorlu Töre, responded to criticisms about expenses, stating that figures for foreign travel were available and could be provided to the deputies. He explained that most of the foreign flight tickets were issued by the parties hosting the meetings, and accommodation was often covered by the hosting party. He concluded, “I spend the least amount of money“.

Vice President of the Assembly Fazilet Özdenefe clarified that the discussions were not about the expenses of the Speaker but rather a serious issue. She emphasised the existence of a financial crime and stated, “Without obtaining an official opinion, this committee cannot proceed“.




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