Report Lists Numerous Failings at Care Home

Thursday, 03 February, 2022.

North Cyprus News - Care Home - NeglectA report written on October 8, 2021 by the Social Services Department listed numerous deficiencies at the People’s Foundation Care Home for the Elderly in Borderüstü, Yeniduzen reported.

The report points to lack of staff, and general neglect, poor hygiene and diet and badly delapidated buildings.

Forty residents at the care home were unhappy with the lack of care given and said that they wanted to leave the care home.

Yeniduzen notes that the report was made when Ersan Saner was Prime Minister and Ali Pilli was the Minister of Health.

The findings of the report are listed as follows:

  • There are many elderly people who are unhappy and want to leave because they are not well cared for.
  • Daily medications are often not given.
  • The ceilings of the corridors and some bedrooms have collapsed, hygiene is poor, there are holes in the ceilings of some bedrooms and water is leaking through.
  • Most of the plaster and paint has fallen off, the walls are very damp.
  • There are not enough showers and toilets, which do not meet hygiene standards given that there is an epidemic in the country.
  • The people in the nursing home are not very happy with the food.
  • Only soup is served in the evenings, and snacks are offered very rarely.
  • Fruit is not provided every day.
  • Elderly patients are mostly on their own during the day when there is no attendant with them.
  • Due to the lack of sufficient number of caregivers at the foundation, it cannot be considered that the elderly receive quality care services.
  • There are serious deficiencies in food, cleaning and building maintenance.
  • There is no daily/monthly menu prepared.
  • Diabetes, blood pressure of the elderly and patients; Separate meals are not prepared according to special health requirements such as for those residents with high cholesterol levels.




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