Rough Seas Continue to Hamper Pipeline Repairs

North Cyprus News - Laying Undersea PipelineWork to complete repairs to the undersea pipeline that conveys fresh water from Anamur, Mersin to North Cyprus has been delayed once again.

A statement by the Turkish State Hydraulics Works said that adverse weather conditions continue to hamper work to complete the project. From noon on 28 September work was put on standby because of worsening weather.

It was decided to halt work in order not to damage the piping which is floating on the surface.

The statement went on: “It is aimed to resume work as of Friday morning after the bad weather has passed. Then the final assembly, which is the most delicate part of the operation, and the final installation process of removing air from the pipeline can be performed.

Testing the water will begin on completion of the works, weather permitting. 

Completion of work had been estimated for the end of August, then delayed until 25 September and 29 September and finally on Friday, 2 October because of delays caused by unfavourable sea conditions.




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