Solar Power Key to Reducing Electricity Costs: Nami

A fundamental change is needed in the way North Cyprus produces electricity, Minister for Economy and Energy Özdil Nami has said.

North Cyprus News - Solar Energy

In order to reduce the cost of electricity by 25%, investment had to be made in solar energy, the minister told BRT.

There were still many stages to go through regarding the project to bring electricity to the TRNC from Turkey via undersea cable, Nami said. He added that he had held meetings in Brussels with representatives of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), the leading institution on interconnectivity.

We need to open the way for the cable electricity project”, he said.

The government’s priority was to achieve interconnectivity and focus on solar energy, Nami said. In the meantime, electricity production continues using oil-powered generators.

North Cyprus News - Kib-Tek Power Station
Kib-Tek Power Station

Although this is not the right or desirable way to produce electricity, currently we have no other choice”, the Energy Minister said, adding that it will be possible to bring natural gas to the country three years from now.

Nami also noted that the present government had doubled the amount of planning and preparation for interconnectivity and solar energy compared to previous governments.




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