Survey Shows 72 Percent of People Want to Adopt Euro


Wednesday, 25 May 2022 

A study was carried out in April, 2022 with the participation of 500 people in a telephone survey by the Centre for Immigration Identity and Rights Studies (CMIRS*), Yeniduzen reported. The survey revealed that 72.38 percent of the participants want to transfer to the Euro in the light of the devalued Turkish Lira and the ongoing effects it has had on the country.

The CMIRS has regularly measured the political trust, social trust, individual self-confidence, and happiness perceptions of Turkish Cypriots every three months since 2013, and observed how these ratios are affected by the developments experienced over time, as well as their relationship to each other.  

North Cyprus News - Mine Yucel
[Mine Yucel – Director of CMIRS]
The Director of CMIRS Mine Yucel said the following: 

In general, it is seen that the society is pessimistic on economic, political and social issues, especially on economic issues. The lowest scores to date have emerged on the issues of country governance and functioning of democracy. Participants also think that corruption, organised crime, etc. are common in the country, which undermines the sense of justice of the society.

“The rate of those who say that the participants have no confidence in the politicians and that they will not vote is quite high. It is also very common among the participants to think that they cannot have an impact on politics, which is a very thought-provoking result in terms of the health of organisation and democracy in this country. The fact that almost all of the participants think that things are going in the wrong direction in the country and that the majority of the country has negative feelings has shown that the society is so pessimistic in this study, which we have been carrying out since 2013. 

“All these results also explain the findings about the solution and the South that we publish in this chapter. As things get worse in the country, the desire of the participants for a solution to the Cyprus Problem is increasing. There is a desire among the participants for Confidence Building Measures and opening new gateways, especially between the two communities. In addition, the most preferred solution scenario is the Bi-Community, Bi-Regional Federation model. 

“In addition to the views on the solution, for the first time in a long time, the CTP has also become the leading party. In addition, nearly three quarters of the participants think that the rulers of the country do not act according to the interests of the people. The rulers of the country need to see the discontent accumulated in the society against them and create policies that relieve the society accordingly”.  

*The CMIRS is a think tank in northern Cyprus that works on the issues of migration, identity and human rights.

For full details of the survey click here – Yeniduzen



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