Survey Shows General Air of Gloom and Doom

North Cyprus News - Turkish LiraThe September 2018 results of a survey held every three months by the Centre for Migration, Identity and Rights (CMRIS) shows that the TRNC community feels pessimistic about its future.

There appears to be a sense of little hope that its economic situation will improve and how it will survive the current economic crisis.

One third of those survey i.e. 31.33% said that the real way out of the crisis was to “clean its own house” and that the TRNC should be recognised.

Some respondents – 28% say that “federation is the only way” to improve the economy and standard of living.

While 15.77% believed that “while the target should be federation, the immediate goal should be to clean our own house.”

Finally, 13.49% of participants said that the current situation should remain unchanged and 11.41% said that they should unite with Turkey.

The general view – 85% of respondents said that matters are heading the wrong way in the community.

The director of CMIRS, Mine Yucel said that they were faced with the portrait of a very hopeless community this period, because of the consequences of the economic crisis on the one hand and the fact that the government could not fulfil its promises on the other.




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