Tourism Minister Injured in Road Accident

North Cyprus News - Fikri-Ataoglu
[Minister of Tourism and Environment – Fikri Ataoğlu]
DP Chairman Fikri Ataoğlu has had to cancel an interview with BRT after he received neck injuries sustained during a traffic accident. The chauffeur of the car in which he was a passenger braked suddenly to avoid hitting a dog on the road, causing Mr Ataoğlu to hit the seat in front of him.

A statement from DP is as follows:

Democratic Party Chairman and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism Environment, Fikri Ataoğlu, was taken to Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital in Nicosia as a result of a traffic accident on his return to Nicosia after the party election work held in Güzelyurt this evening.

“Hospital doctors reported that Mr. Ataoglu’s neck was crushed and multi-traumatised as a result of the sudden braking, when he hit the front seat.

“The accident occurred as a result of a dog suddenly appearing in front of the  vehicle on the Güzelyurt-Lefkosa main road, and the driver of the vehicle braked abruptly to avoid hitting the dog.

Ataoğlu’s condition was said to be good.




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