Country categories for entry into North Cyprus will be updated weekly. The country risk levels (colors) specified in the table will be applied to passengers arriving in transit to North Cyprus.
If the positive test rate of the relevant country is above 4%, it will be evaluated at the next risk level.
Persons will be able to spend 10-14 days of quarantine at the specified residence addresses, depending on the country they come from, provided that they show their residence address in our country and download the “Stay Safe Application” before coming to the country. Those permitted to quarantine at home, will go to their residential addresses, either alone or in the company of a driver, or by public transport, taxi, touristic minibus authorized vehicles determined by the Ministry of Finance. Persons over the age of 65 and those who go abroad with the committee for health reasons will be able to download the “Stay Safe Application” after they come to the country.
It is recommended that people who do not comply with the home quarantine rules are sent to central quarantine, people pay their quarantine fees themselves. Criminal proceedings will be initiated against those who break the quarantine rules.
People who have contact with a Covid-19 positive person in North Cyprus who requires quarantine will be subject to quarantine for 10 days. At the end of 10 days, if the PCR test result to be taken from the contact persons is negative, the isolation period will be terminated.
It is deemed necessary to accept passengers on flights to be organized in our country with a maximum of 6 flights per day and a maximum of 200 people per flight, and a maximum of 2 flights per day and 75 passengers (excluding soldiers) on ships.
List of Countries Denied Entry
Due to the increasing number of cases in India, Brazil, the Netherlands, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Cameroon , from 24.05.2021 until a second decision to be taken by those who want to come to our country (excluding TRNC citizens) who have been in these countries within the last 14 days It was decided to stop their entry into the country. It has been deemed appropriate to allow TRNC citizens who will come to our country from the above-mentioned countries in the last 14 days to enter the country provided that they remain in quarantine for 14 days.
Charter Flights
Charter flights and wristbands are applied for 4 nights and 5 days. Hotels that offer closed-circuit tourism must sign the prepared contracts. These hotels will not accept customers from outside, neither for the purpose of accommodation nor for the use of restaurants, cafes, the hotel. It is forbidden for TRNC citizens to come with charter flights (However, citizens with dual nationality can enter if their residence address is in another country and if they do not comply with the specified rules, they will be quarantined centrally). In this context, it has been deemed appropriate to organize a maximum of 8 flights per week for indoor hotel tourism. Hotel staff will repeat PCR tests every 7 days. Hotel staff will be able to leave the hotel 2 days after the customers leave the hotel after their PCR tests are negative.
Hotels that do not do not offer closed-circuit accommodation and want to accommodate local tourism will sign agreements and operate within the framework of the specified rules. Hotel staff will repeat PCR tests every 7 days.
Sea Trips
Sea cruising boats will continue to serve as one third of their capacity. Staff on the tour boat will repeat the PCR tests every 7 days. In addition, the commitment forms to be prepared will be signed and legal action will be initiated against those who are found to be violating the specified rules . Marinas will be open.
State and private schools can be opened within the scope of the plan to be made by the Ministry of National Education and Culture. (including classroom, study, private lessons, course activities and summer schools) In kindergartens (3,4,5 years old), 12. Teachers and staff working in classrooms will repeat antigen tests every 7 days at the specified stations. In addition, teachers and employees working in the education sector to be opened after planning, will repeat antigen tests every 7 days.
Further details available here: BRTK