Turkish Cypriot Bans: Diplomatic Silence

Evrim Hınçal - TDP
[Evrim Hınçal – TDP]
After Prime Minister Üstel mentioned that communication with Turkey had been established, two more Turkish Cypriots faced rejection when attempting to enter Turkey, citing the N-82 restriction code. Surprisingly, neither the government nor Turkey’s embassy in North Cyprus issued any statements on this matter.

Additionally, last Wednesday, TDP Financial Secretary Evrim Hınçal’s entry into Turkey was hindered, invoking the N-82 restriction code, which requires “prior authorisation“. Hınçal’s case raised the tally of Turkish Cypriots banned from entering Turkey to 15. Both opposition members of parliament and concerned citizens are urging Turkey’s embassy in the north to address this issue.

Despite 15 instances brought to public attention since 2020, the embassy remains silent.

In October 2023, the main opposition Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Parliamentary Group, along with two independent members of parliament, proposed forming a research committee to investigate the reasons behind the denial of entry to some TRNC citizens into Turkey and to seek solutions. Regrettably, this proposal was voted down by deputies affiliated with the UBP – YDP – DP Government.

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel pledged governmental involvement in the investigation during discussions on the motion. However, after his remarks, Yusuf Alkım from the Revolutionary Communist Union and later, Evrim Hınçal from the TDP, were barred from entering Turkey, citing the N-82 restriction code. This has brought the number of individuals on the “banned” list to 15.

Fifteen Turkish Cypriots Banned Since 2020

Dr. Ahmet Cavit An, a writer and researcher closely monitoring these developments, and himself denied entry to Turkey with the G-82 restriction code, which signifies “activities against national security“, revealed that the number of Turkish Cypriot intellectuals denied entry is actually 15, not 12 as previously thought. He highlighted Özay Hüseyin Kurtdere as the first individual denied entry on October 16, 2020, and noted that only former parliamentarian Okan Dağlı has received documented information regarding his case.

Turkey implements the “G-82” code for foreigners suspected of engaging in activities against national security. Legal sources assert that this code is based on intelligence information and can only be revoked through legal procedures.

On the other hand, the “N-82” code mandates prior authorisation for entry into Turkey for foreigners suspected of engaging in activities against national security. Legal sources stress that this code signifies an entry ban and without challenging it legally, entry into Turkey is not possible.

Both Turkish officials responsible for entry into Turkey and the UBP – YDP – DP Government redirect individuals denied entry to the embassy. Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu advised those with concerns to seek clarification at the embassy.

However, a Yeniduzen reporter visiting the Turkish Embassy in Nicosia in recent months received a puzzling response when inquiring about entry restrictions to Turkey: “We do not have such a unit“.

Many Turkish Cypriots whose travel rights were infringed upon have sought explanations from the Turkish Embassy in Nicosia or filed lawsuits in Turkey, yet none have received a response.




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