Turkish Cypriots Living on The Poverty Line

Friday, 8 April 2022

North Cyprus News - Turkish Lira purseThe poverty line for a family of four is 7,149 TL as of March 31, KTAMS has calculated.

The Cyprus Turkish Public Officials Union (KTAMS) issued a written statement regarding the current minimum wage and announced that the difference between the current minimum wage which is 6,090 TL and the poverty line is 1,059 TL.

The statement, which includes the essential expenditures according to their gender and age through the tables, it was calculated that as of March 31, the minimum amount required to feed a family of four is 7,149 TL.

Any value to the last minimum wage increase which was made on January 1, has been lost through the depreciation of the Turkish Lira.

The minimum wage has decreased to the equivalent of £361 the statement said.

The statement went on to say that, “Considering that the prices of many goods and services in our country are indexed to foreign currency, it can be seen that the purchasing power of the minimum wage worker has not increased, on the contrary, it has been rapidly declining“.




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