Union Calls Politicians and NGOs to Teknecik

Ahmet Tugcu - El-Sen President
[Ahmet Tuğcu – El-Sen President]
The Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority Employees’ Union (El-Sen) is urging political parties and civil society organisations to join forces with them, regarding the pollution being emitted from the Teknecik power plant, Yeniduzen reports.

 El-Sen President Ahmet Tuğcu made a statement inviting everyone to gather at the Teknecik power plant at 10.am on Monday, August 19th. He said, “Come and see with your own eyes what you already know. Witness how the public’s property is being destroyed and how the machines are being sabotaged to the point that they can no longer produce electricity“.


You already know what’s going on. You are well aware of the malicious actions being taken to prevent KIB-TEK from producing electricity, all to break the will of the people. We will be waiting for you at the main entrance of the Teknecik Power Plant at 10 am on Monday, August 19th. Come and see for yourself how the public’s property is being wrecked, how the machines are being sabotaged to stop electricity production. Come and see the urgency of the situation and how our institutions are being damaged by unqualified and ill-intentioned managers. Join us, the KIB-TEK workers who work under toxic chimneys. Come to Teknecik on Monday morning, August 19th, so that we can continue our march for the people, with the people, and in the name of the people, witnessing all the facts together. Let’s walk together for an autonomous KIB-TEK, guided by reason, science, and the interests of the people, not the interests of corrupt groups“.

For year, the union has accused governments past and present of trying to privatise KIB-TEK, in June, Kibris Postasi reported that El-Sen leader Ahmet Tuğcu said: “The government and its administrators view state electricity authority KIB-TEK as a potential cash cow and are trying to privatise the institution”.




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