Unions Say Election of Speaker Undemocratic

Ahmet Serdaroglu - HUR-IS
[President of HÜR-İŞ Ahmet Serdaroğlu]
In a strong statement, Trades Union Federation (HÜR-İŞ) President Ahmet Serdaroğlu criticised the recent election process for the Speaker of the Parliament, describing it as a further addition to ongoing legal irregularities, Yeniduzen reported. He condemned what he called “undemocratic steps” taken in disregard of legal opinion, specifically highlighting that these steps were taken despite the opposition of legal experts.

Serdaroğlu stated that unions have a duty to intervene in such issues, asserting, “Unions are the guardians of democracy. The identity of the elected Speaker, Mr Ziya Öztürkler, is not the issue; rather, it’s the undemocratic nature of the election process”. He argued that treating invalid votes as valid breaches electoral law, a situation that could set a concerning precedent for future elections.

In a call for accountability, Serdaroğlu urged both the government and opposition to act responsibly by annulling the election and adhering strictly to legal protocols. He emphasised, “What matters here is not who was elected, but the manner of the election. Even the individual elected should not support such a flawed process”. As the HÜR-İŞ Federation, he pledged full support for efforts to rectify what he described as a “democratic disgrace“, vowing to stand in solidarity with those calling for lawful and transparent election standards.


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