Unplanned Building Polluting Groundwater And Sea

North Cyprus News - Long Beach - Yeni Iskele
[Long Beach – Yeni Iskele]
Sunday, 10 July 2022

Years of unplanned building without the necessary infrastructure has led to waste water runoff polluting underground reservoirs and the sea in Yeni Iskele, Yeniduzen reported.

President of the Chamber of Environmental Engineers Sibel Paralik said that it was essential that a proper sewage system and wastewater treatment plant be constructed.

She said that after 2015 in particular there was a burst of construction in the area with a rapid growth in population which has led to the same environmental problems experienced in other regions. 

Paralik, in a written statement, said that an urban wastewater treatment plant and sewage system should be installed in order to finally solve the problem.

Unfortunately, the underground water resources of the region have completely turned into a wastewater basin, since there is no wastewater treatment system in most of the individual residences and mass housing estates built in this region in 2015 and later, and the wastewater generated in the residences flows directly underground”, she said.

In the field investigations, we observed that all stakeholders are working hard to prevent the waste water accumulating on the surface and flowing into the sea, and that the contaminated water is disinfected and ground stabilisation is ensured. Unfortunately however, even if the work done at this time leads to the improvement of the current situation, it will not be enough for the full solution of the problem”.

Paralik said that it was essential that, in addition to individual, project-based technical suggestions, strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies, which evaluate the specific location and the whole region should be added to the plans. Regional policies and permits should be re-examined.

Noting that the Long Beach area is a region with impermeable ground and high groundwater levels, all the raw wastewater generated by the residences is stored underground and significantly pollutes the existing groundwater.

 Paralik said that this was a regional environmental problem. 




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