UNSG’s New Representative Arrives In Cyprus

North Cyprus News - Colin Stewart - UNSG Guterres
[UN Special Envoy to Cyprus – Colin Stewart – UNSG Antonio Guterres]
Recently appointed UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) has arrived in Cyprus to take up his duties, Yeniduzen reported.

Upon his arrival, he said that following:

 “I am honoured to be here as a special representative in Cyprus. I am aware of the importance that the United Nations Peacekeeping Force attaches to the lives of all Cypriots and I look forward to working with all of you and our partners in Cyprus.

I would like to pay my respects to my predecessor Elizabeth Spehar for her steadfast leadership in the United Nations Peacekeeping and Goodwill Mission in Cyprus.

“I look forward to continuing the United Nations work in Cyprus. I hope to establish lasting peace on the island by establishing strong working relations with the stakeholders and learning from them”.

Stewart is expected to meet with the Cypriot leaders, senior officials, civil society representatives and members of the diplomatic community within the next few weeks.




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