Victim of Drunk Driving Incident Dies

North Cyprus News - Nicosia State Hospital
(Nicosia State Hospital)

A pedestrian who was struck down by a drunk driver in Kyrenia in the early hours of 31 December, 2021 has died, Kibris Postasi reported.

Kyrenia resident Arslan Ul Haq, 31, was seriously injured after Bilge Kağan Baş, 22, lost control of his vehicle on Naci Talat Street in Kyrenia. The car hit the pavement, mounted the kerb and struck Mr Haq.

He was taken to Nicosia State Hospital and then conveyed to Suat Günsel Hospital, where he was kept in the intensive care unit. Despite all medical interventions, he died on Friday.

Bilge Kağan Baş was arrested at the time of the accident.

Kibris Postasi



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