Water From Turkey Expected to Flow in August

North-Cyprus- News - Water-Pipeline-Connection-1
Undersea Water Pipeline to North Cyprus

Water supply by pipeline from Turkey is expected to resume in August, Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Dursun Oğuz has said.

The minister said that repairs to the pipeline damaged in January had begun. He added that the company tasked with repairs has already installed underwater cameras to determine the cause of the damage and has commenced work.

 “Our goal is for the water to start flowing back into the [Gecitkoy] reservoir in August,” Oğuz said, adding that after a meeting with the union of mayors it was decided that water would not be rationed.

There have been fears of water shortages if the pipeline is not repaired by the end of August. Older systems of distributing water were abandoned after water began to flow from Turkey in 2016. Would it be possible to recommission these if there are any unforeseen delays, was the question.

The cost of repairs would be 518 million TL, Oğuz said.

Kıbrıs Gazetesi

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