Adverse weather conditions have delayed the repairs to the undersea water pipeline which runs between Anamur, Mersin and the Gecitkoy Reservoir in North Cyprus. The date for completion has been amended from 25 September to 29 September, the General Directorate of the Turkish State Hydraulic Works has announced. Meanwhile, local communities have been facing problems over water shortages this summer after the Turkish water supply was cut off eight months ago.
Strong winds and big waves have delayed completion of the project. It was reported that winds reaching 34 kts and waves three metres high caused a loss of four days work.
Between 17-20 September, vessels working in the area at night had to leave and take shelter in a bay. Yesterday, in 30 kts of wind, vessels laying pipes went on standby to protect the pipes which were lying on the surface.
Weather conditions are expected to improve today and work should resume.
Meanwhile, communities have been struggling with water shortages. Tanker drivers have been working into the middle of the night to supply domestic residences with water. Tanker Manager Ahmet Hoca said it had been stressful because there were not enough tankers to fulfil demand.
Since the water supply was cut off from Turkey after storms damaged piping lying around 250 metres deep undersea and eight kilometres off the Mersin coast in January, local municipalities have scrambled to repair piping and pumps which have fallen into disrepair having been made redundant by the water supply from Turkey which came on stream in 2015.