Work to Repair Undersea Pipeline Begins

North-Cyprus- News - Water-Pipeline-Connection-1Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Dursun Oğuz, has announced that a tender of 483 million TL was awarded for the repair of the undersea water pipeline between North Cyprus and the Anamur in Turkey. 

One vessel has begun work  and four other vessels will join in the operation in the coming days.

 “The fleet of five vessels is required to finish repairs and installations at sea in late August,” said Oguz. 

The minister said that Turkey is continuing to work towards repairing the water pipeline, several sections of which came adrift in rough seas in January. 

This event meant that North Cyprus suddenly had to rely on its own water resources and prompted a scurry to repair pumps and other equipment which had  deteriorated after the water from Turkey came on stream.

Repairing the pipeline is a costly and complicated operation because a special factory had to be constructed in Turkey in order to manufacture ten high density polyethylene pipes needed to replace those that had been damaged.

Delays in repairing the pipeline have been attributed to poor sea conditions, the outbreak of Covid-19 and the need to construct a special factory to produce the pipes.

Diyalog Gazetesi, Cyprus Mail



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