Young Man Dies After Trying To Save Friend

North Cyprus News - Kyrenia Castle - rear viewA 20-year-old man has died after attempting to rescue a friend who had slipped into the sea while taking photographs behind Kyrenia Castle on Tuesday, BRT reported.

The man taking photographs was named as Kuksami Lubaki (28) who lost his footing while taking pictures behind Kyrenia Castle on Tuesday afternoon. He fell into the water and his companion named as Mohamed Lamine Diakite who tried to rescue him, also lost his footing and fell into the water.

Both men were rescued from the water by people on the scene. They were taken to Dr. Akçiçek Hospital in Kyrenia. However, despite all attempts to save him, Mohamed Lamine Diakite died, His companion Kukusami Lubaki was discharged after treatment.

Police are investigating the incident.




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