Abundant Rainfall Has Filled all Reservoirs

The abundant rainfall has filled up all the reservoirs in North Cyprus, Director of the Cyprus Turkish Water Board Nazife Yilmaz has said. She added that the board was pleased to see the high volume of rain water collected in the reservoirs. Ms. Yilmaz said that plans to expand and enlarge the existing reservoirs were […]
Solar Power Key to Reducing Electricity Costs: Nami

A fundamental change is needed in the way North Cyprus produces electricity, Minister for Economy and Energy Özdil Nami has said. In order to reduce the cost of electricity by 25%, investment had to be made in solar energy, the minister told BRT. There were still many stages to go through regarding the project to […]
Conscientious Objector Freed by Military Court

Conscientious objector Halil Karapaşaoğlu has had his 20 day prison sentence reduced to three days by the Nicosia Military Court. This is because an amendment to military law is to be discussed by a parliamentary committee. An appeal was filed by Mr Karapaşaoğlu’s lawyer, Öncel Polili, who claimed that the decision by the military court […]