Import of Coronavirus Meds From South Deemed Illegal

The Prime Ministry issued a statement today saying that the anti-malarial drugs and materials provided by South Cyprus via the Bi-Communal Health Committee were transferred, in cooperation with the Presidency, to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in an illegal manner. In the statement, it was noted that the drugs in question will be examined […]
Call to Reduce Electicity Tariffs as Fuel Prices Plummet

A study by the Presidential Economic Advisory Board found that there has been a 48-55 percent reduction in electricity generation costs due to the drop in fuel prices. The board has proposed to the government a drop in electricity tariffs to reflect this and to alleviate the economic hardship caused by the coronavirus pandemic. In […]
Plans to Open Some Government Offices Alarms Scientists

The former chief physician at Nicosia State Hospital Dr Bülent Dizdarlı, has warned the government against rushing to open some government departments and sectors of the economy in order bring revenue to the state. “If we start social life without a pandemic hospital, there will be tragedy. I am not saying that there could be […]
Cabinet Makes Final Decision on Financial Aid Package

The Council of Ministers has decided on the final form of the rule that covers payment to those unemployed because of the coronavirus pandemic. After the Cabinet meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Kudret Ozersay said that 60,000 people would be eligible for the benefit package and a monthly total of 90 million TL would be set […]