Scrubland Fire in Edremit Village

Fire in Edremit Village

Saturday, 11 September 2022 A fire which burned an acre of scrubland in Edremit has been extinguished, Kibris Postasi reported. According to a statement issued by the Police Press Officer, approximately one acre of scrubland was burned by a fire that broke out in the creek bed in the Santa Fe Villas locality of Edremit […]

Tenders to Supply Kib-Tek Fuel to be Broadcast

North Cyprus News - Tanker - Teknecik-Power-Station

Saturday, 11 September 2022 The tenders to supply fuel to Kib-Tek will be publicly broadcast, Yeniduzen reports. The relevant parties share the view that, “Everything will be in front of the public, the tender will be shared instantly with live broadcasts“. Central Tender Commission Chairman Halis Üresin said, “The tender will be broadcast live from […]

Complications Hinder Completion of Kyrenia Hospital Building

North Cyprus News - Partly-built - Kyrenia - Hospital

Saturday, 10 September 2022 Delays, three changes of government and bureaucracy have massively increased the cost of completing the construction of the new hospital in Kyrenia, Yeniduzen reports. The last company to have successfully bid to complete the building was Gerçek İnşaat. However, the tender was cancelled due to the further devaluation of the Turkish […]