UN Soldiers Attacked in Pile Buffer Zone

Confrontation between UN and Turkish Cypriots - Pile

Friday, 18 August 2023 Roadworks in Pile, deemed illegal by the UN, have led to an attack on UN personnel, Yendiuzen reports. The roadwork initiated by the Turkish Cypriot side has been criticised by the UN Peacekeeping Mission.  UN soldiers, who went to the area to stop the roadworks, which were encroaching on the buffer […]

Nightclub Where Man Killed Closed Down

Hüseyin Mavideniz

Friday, 18 August 2023 The Breeze nightclub which was the scene of a brutal attack on a British Cypriot man by bouncers has been closed down, Yeniduzen reports. In a written statement issued on behalf of Onur Tourism, Trade and Industry Limited Partners, Ahmet Noyan stated that “the unfortunate and grave incident that took place […]