A total of 450 Drivers Cited For Traffic Violations

North Cyprus News - Traffic police

Traffic police inspected 2,148 drivers yesterday, 299 of whom were cited for speeding, Kibris Postasi reports. There were 26 cases of driving under the influence of alcohol, two cases of driving with a licence and insurance, 24 were driving while using a mobile phone and one driver who ignored the traffic lights.  A total of […]

Building Worker Injured After Fall on Site

North Cyprus News - Building Site (2)

A construction worker was injured after he fell* from a height of about three metres while working on a building site in Dörtyol yesterday, Yeniduzen reports. Al Amın Hossain (36), who was working on concrete levelling lost his balance and fell around three metres. He was taken to Famagusta State Hospital where he was diagnosed […]