Gov’t Not Prepared For Seasonal Forest Fires

North Cyprus News - Fire

Greenpeace has criticised the government for not doing enough to prevent forest fires, which are becoming more common because of the extreme heat caused by climate change. They said that by not taking action, the government is putting the country’s future in danger as fires continue to spread in Turkey and other parts of the […]

Tourism Official Denies Pressuring Travel Companies

North Cyprus News - Larnaca Airport

Greek Cypriot daily ‘Alithia’ and other newspapers reported on a statement made by Greek Cypriot Deputy Minister of Tourism Kostas Koumis to the Cyprus News Agency (CNA). According to the report, Koumis said that the Tourism Ministry promotes the country as a tourist destination without putting pressure on anyone, Kibris Postasi reports. When asked whether […]

Sea Turtle That Ingested Plastic Recovering

Green Sea Turtle

A sea turtle found exhausted on the rocks was discovered to have swallowed a significant amount of plastic.* After being rescued and taken to the Taşkent Nature Park, the 90-kilogram green turtle began to recover, with its weight increasing to 97 kilograms after five weeks of treatment, Yeniduzen reports. The Taşkent Nature Park said that […]

Deputy PM Slams ‘Occupied’ Label in Tour Operator Email

Deputy PM and Tourism Minister - Fikri Ataoglu

Deputy Prime Minister Fikri Ataoğlu, who is also Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Environment, strongly criticised a German-based tour operator for referring to the TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) as “the occupied north of Cyprus” in an email sent to various agencies, Kibris Postasi reported. In a statement to the Anadolu Agency (AA), […]