Akinci And Erhurman Likely to Reach Round Two in Elections

North Cyprus News - Erhurman - Akinci
Tufan Erhurman – President Mustafa Akinci

The two candidates most likely to make it to the second round of the forthcoming presidential elections are the current President Mustafa Akinci and CTP leader Tufan Erhurman, writes journalist Dervish Gezer. He says:

“I wrote about it on September 19. Then I said that the second round sees two left-wing candidates. A long time has passed since then. We had the pandemic, we experienced quarantine. The date of the postponed presidential election is October. But the interesting thing is that the situation is the same again. The second round still looks like Akinci-Erhurman. Of course there are changes. In September there was Kudret Osersay who had hit the bottom and Tatar that was going up. But now Tatar’s [popularity] has fallen to a point where it is impossible to recover. Ozersay, whose star was in the ascendent during the pandemic is now struggling to keep his place.

“Akinci has taken a serious stand. Despite the lack of organisation, the demographics of [supporters] are clear. Young people under 30 and the generation of middle-aged people over 65 and the elderly. These groups are in the Akinci camp. And Erhurman’s strength is ambition. People who don’t feel like they belong to any party. Asking for a new world order. They hate the system. These groups are Erhurman’s wild cards.

“Different campaigns will be set up at this point. Akinci had said ‘continue on our way’. That is, an assurance that he will repeat what he did. We still don’t know Erhurman. Will the product be the CTP or Erhurman himself? In fact, Erhurman’s name is enough. Neutral masses say Erhurman and not CTP. At this point, Erhurman’s firm stance is essentially crucial. Will he be able to convince the scattered UBP voters? Will he be able to stress satisfactorily that the TRNC is our home until a solution is found? Will he be able to infiltrate the most disadvantaged in society?

“In short, two left-wing candidates appear on the horizon. One with his experience and attitude that touches the people. The other with knowledge, youth and the character of the state man. Let’s see who will cut the ribbon first. Those without a voice and without party identity. Will they support Erhurman? Or is it the power that unites the oldest and the youngest for Akinci? The duel will be interesting.”


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