Category B Countries Quarantined for Seven Days

Cyprus News - Prime Minister - Ersin Tatar
Prime Minister – Ersin Tatar

Prime Minister Tatar made a statement after the Committee on Contagious Diseases met following a spike in cases of Covid-19 infections. Tatar stated that they expect to manage the cases that they have, but due to arrivals from abroad, case numbers have increased in North Cyprus.

Highlights of the decisions proposed by the Communicable Diseases Supreme Committee include:

  1. People arriving from category B countries (including Turkey and the United Kingdom) will remain in quarantine for a period of seven days from September 7. The application will start on September 6, 23:59.
  2. During this time, students will be placed in quarantine for seven days in accommodation determined by the universities.

 Decision Taken by the Communicable Diseases Supreme Committee under the Communicable Diseases Act

The decisions taken as of 05 September 2020 are as follows:

A People arriving from category B countries (including Turkey and the United Kingdom) will remain in quarantine for a period of seven days from September 7. The application will start on September 6, 23:59.

B During this time, students will be placed in quarantine for seven days in accommodation determined by the universities.

C In cases where a person’s double PCR test is negative, it is very unlikely that they would test positive within three days and the possibility of infection is very low. For this reason, it has been deemed appropriate that people from category  B countries who enter our country with double negative PCR results are exempted from quarantine practices provided that they stay in the TRNC for less than three days (including the 3rd day).

  1. The quarantine practices of those who go abroad for health reasons will be evaluated if they apply to the Ministry of Health.
  2. Application for those coming from countries in category C: People who will come to our country are obliged to document the PCR test result, which is made within 0-120 hours before the boarding date, and the result is negative when entering the TRNC. Quarantine will be applied in quarantine centres determined for 14 days upon entering the country. If necessary, people in the quarantine centre can be tested for PCR.
  3. Due to the spike in local contaminations in Vadili, İnönü and Akdoğan regions recently, weddings, meetings etc. for 14 days from 07 September 2020 (including 07 September 2020) until 20 September 2020 (including 20 September 2020), collective organisations are prohibited. The opening of all schools in this region has also been postponed for 14 days.
  4. It is evident that these rules are not followed despite all the warnings about social distancing in entertainments organised in open areas. Therefore, for beach clubs, birthday celebrations, henna nights, etc. If the rules were not followed during the monitoring of similar entertainments, it was decided to close the businesses.
  5. In addition, if the rules to be followed in weddings and similar organisations held outdoors are not followed, restrictions will be imposed on weddings.
  6. Restaurants, cafes and places providing food service will continue to serve provided that they comply with hygiene and social distance rules. If these services do not comply with the specified rules, they will be closed.
  7. Measures to be taken regarding the transport sector; the driver’s compartment should be separated from the passengers with a device. In the meantime, windows should be open, air conditioning should not be used and everyone in the vehicle should wear a mask. Passengers’ name-surname and address records should also be kept.


  • No changes have been made in the practices regarding the PCR tests requested from the people coming from Category B during the entry into our country.
  • The following persons will be exempted from these quarantine fees:

– Persons who will enter North Cyprus as a student

– People who went abroad before 6 September 2020

– Health referral order to Turkey and sent as outgoing patients personnel.


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