Former Senior Judge Defends ‘Afrika’ Newspaper

North Cyprus News - Sener Levent - AfrikaFormer Senior Judge Tacan Reynar took part in trial today as a lawyer. He was defending Editor-in-Chief of ‘Africa’ Newspaper Şener Levent and newspaper director Ali Osman Tabak at the Nicosia Court of Appeals. Both journalists are charged with publishing humiliating cartoons and writing against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

As in all criminal cases against ‘Africa’ newspaper, Şener Levent would usually defend himself. However, in a surprise development, former Senior Judge Tacan Reynar offered to defend him.

Criminal proceedings against Levent and Tabak begin on October 16.

Levent’s lawyer Reynar has call on all sections of society to embrace and defend freedom of expression and of the press and the values of the modern world.

North Cyprus News - Tacan ReynarOn his social media account, Reynar wrote: “Turkish Cypriots are going through very difficult times. Our breath is being cut off and we are looking for hope in our country. As we pass through these difficult times, we stand against the case against Africa newspaper in the name of solidarity, with the idea that Turkish Cypriots should be more united every day. To this end, we call upon all segments of our society to embrace and defend freedom of expression and the press, as well as the values ​​of modern society”.

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