Medics File Lawsuit to Stop TRNC Reopening

The Turkish Cypriot Medical Association is holding a press conference on the its lawsuit filed with the Supreme Administrative Court, “demanding the cancellation of the decisions of the Council of Ministers and the suspension opening of the country’s external and internal border crossing points without quarantine before the deficiencies in the health system are eliminated and organization is completed”.

North Cyprus News - Dr Özlem Gürkut
President of the Union of Physicians – Dr Özlem Gürkut

Saying that the pandemic hospital has not been built, KTTB President Özlem Gürkut said that ventilators purchased with community donations are unused. “The virus was treated as if it were finished, and people continued to be brought to the country for various reasons,” she said. Gürkut added that the increased number of Covid-19 cases in Turkey also increases the risk of new infections in North Cyprus.

She explained that even though a double PCR test was requested, some of the passengers coming from a high-risk country were concerned that many would be skipped.

Gürkut emphasized that the capacity of the health service and staff numbers should be increased. She acknowledged the need for the economy to recover and the close ties with Turkey, however, she did not support the reopening of the country without the need for visitors from Turkey to remain in quarantine.


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