New Turkish Consulate to Open in Famagusta

Turkish Dep. Foreign Minister Serim - President Tatar
[Turkish Dep. Foreign Minister Serim – President Ersin Tatar]
Tuesday, 29 November 2022

A new Turkish Consulate is to open in Famagusta in January, Kibris Postasi reports.

Turkish Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Yasin Ekrem Serim who visited the TRNC and met President Ersin Tatar, the Speaker of the House and the TRNC Foreign Minister, said that the Turkish Embassy was always very busy and a new consulate would open in Famagusta on 15 January.

Discussions regarding opening a new consulate began in 2015, the deputy foreign minister said.

Serim stated that they have made all efforts so that the TRNC can become a self-supporting, productive and strong state. He said, “We are trying to offer all the services we offer to our own citizens to the TRNC citizens as well”.

Kibris Postasi

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