Residents Of Lavinium Apartments Forced To Leave

North Cyprus News - Lavinium Apartment SubsidingResidents of apartment block A-17 in the Lavinium Complex in Dikmen were given two hours to evacuate the building after it was deemed unsafe, Yeniduzen reported.

The building was sealed off by the Kyrenia District Governor’s Office because the building was subsiding. Eight families have had to find alternative accommodation.

The residents of the complex have been beset by problems, initially there was no access road to the complex built by Bulut Company owned by Temel Bulut. Yeniduzen first reported about problems that purchasers had had in acquiring the deeds to their apartments in the Lavinium complex in 2004.

In December, 2020, Yeniduzen reported that engineers were called to inspect both A-16 and A17 apartment blocks when they said that there had been subsidence to both buildings. At that time, Aktunç Construction Director Kemal Aktunç stated that the infrastructure of the buildings was organised by a different company, so the problem was not their responsibility, and there was no danger of collapse.

Aktunç added that although the problem was not caused by their own company, they were ready to help.

Arrest Warrant For Temel Bulut

North Cyprus News - Temel Bulut
[Temel Bulut]
In December 2004, Kibris Gazetesi reported that an arrest warrant was issued for the owner of Bulut Insaat (Cloud Constructions) Temel Bulut, who was accused of victimizing thousands of property buyers both in the TRNC and Turkey.

According to Turkish Cypriot daily ‘Kibris’, Bulut, who had disappeared at that time, was accused of failing to issue title deeds for 400 properties purchased in the TRNC. In addition, he received payment from 150 persons for residences which were either not completed or their construction had not begun yet.

The paper also wrote that Bulut Insaat also undertook the construction of a trefoil junction on the Nicosia-Kyrenia road in order to facilitate access for residents of the Evviva Lavinium housing complex, which also had not been completed.

Bulut Receives Record Prison Sentence

On February, 25, 2021, Turkish daily Vatan reported that:

The owner of Bulut İnşaat, Temel Bulut, was sentenced to 316 years and 3 months in prison and a judicial fine of 1. 275 million Turkish lira for fraud after he was accused of selling 130 apartments off-plan and failing to construct them. Orhan Boran, the victims’ lawyer, said that the decision was ‘historic’”.

Yeniduzen, Kibris, Vatan



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