Turkey Gives Green Light to Naval Base in North Cyprus

North Cyprus News - Turkish NavyTurkey has given the go-ahead for the establishment of naval base and an airbase in North Cyprus, “taking into consideration the military activity which is currently continuing in the area together with hydrocarbon exploration in the region”.

Last week, a delegation of experts carried out inspections at Geçitkale airport and in Yeni Iskele. Turkish Cypriot daily ‘Diyalog’ writes that “accordingly, the issue of creating an airbase at Geçitkale and a naval base in Yeni Iskele is on the agenda”. The paper notes that the delegation of experts toured the above-mentioned areas and was briefed by officials. Works for both bases are expected to begin very soon according to the report to be prepared by the experts.

The issue was reportedly discussed in Ankara during the recent visit by Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Kudret Ozersay.




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