Report on Flood Disaster to be Published

Following the flooding experienced on the island and the tragic loss of four young lives, Prime Minister Tufan Erhurman has said that a report will be prepared by the Union of the Chamber of Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects. The results of which will be shared with the public. Prime Minister Erhurman said that the […]
President Akinci Recovering from Surgery

President Mustafa Akinci is recovering well from surgery to remove polyps. The President, who underwent the medical procedure at Famagusta State Hospital on Saturday, is now at home and resting. BRT
Deluge of Rain Fills Parched Reservoirs

The heavy rainfall last week, although very destructive and claiming lives, has also brought benefits. The Kanlıköy Reservoir in Tashkent Nature Park, which completely dried out in September, prompting a rescue operation for its fish stock, has now begun to fill. The reservoir, which was built in 1963, can store an estimated 1.1million metric tons […]