Rip Off Vendors to be Black Listed

North Cyprus News - Supermarket - Shopping

The TRNC Consumers Association has said that it will create a black list of all vendors who are taking advantage of consumers by hiking prices, Kibris Postasi reported. The Consumers Association said that the Department of Health and the Department of Primary Health were responsible for inspecting consumer goods and prices, but had failed to […]

Kib-Tek to Borrow 50 Million TL to Purchase Fuel

North Cyprus News - Kib-Tek Power Station

State Electricity Authority Kib-Tek will borrow 50 million Turkish Lira from CreditWest maturing at 24 months and with a variable interest of 10 percent, Kibris Postasi reported. This loan, approved by the Council of Ministers, is to be used for fuel payments. Kibris Postasi

Local Expats Have Annual Christmas Dip For Charity

North Cyprus News - Tulips - Annual Christmas Swim

The annual charity Christmas Swim in aid of Tulips – Help Those With Cancer Charity was held at Mackenzie public beach on Christmas Day, BRT reported. Local expats took a dip in the sea to raise money for Tulips. All monies including contributions from Iskele Municipality were donated to the Cancer Patients Aid Charity. Speaking […]