Supplies of Domestic Bottled Gas Run Out

North Cyprus News - Gas Bottles

Thursday, 26 May 2022  Stocks of domestic bottled gas have run out once again as the supply ship is yet to arrive. Meanwhile, it is expected that the cost of domestic bottled gas will rise when it does become available. Some bottled gas dealers, who stated that they had been unable to buy gas for […]

Pension Age Could Rise From 60 to 65

North Cyprus News - Pension

Thursday, 26 May 2022  The retirement age in the TRNC could be raised from 60 to 65, Yeniduzen reported. A technical team from Turkey will come to North Cyprus to discuss implementing the Pension Reform Plan, which is part of the Turkey-TRNC Financial Protocol, the details of which are not clear, the newspaper said. According […]

Price to be Paid For ‘Illegitimate’ Government

North Cyprus News - Erdogan Sorakin - CTP Gen-Sec

Thursday, 26 May 2022  The Secretary-General for the CTP Erdoğan Sorakın has said that a price would be paid for the deposing of Prime Minister Faiz Sucuoğlu and the way in which the UBP coalition was formed for a third time, Yeniduzen reported. Referring to the leader of the CTP Tufan Erhurman’s speech at the […]