Judge Upholds Ruling Özkurt Goes to Jail

North Cyprus News - Meryem Ozkurt

Friday, 1 July 2022 A Supreme Court ruling that Meryem Özkurt, a director of BRTK be sentenced to two months in prison for contravening election bans has been upheld. Özkurt was brought before the court for violating the election ban regarding the broadcasting of the opening ceremony of Geçitköy Reservoir on BRT while the election […]

BRTK Director Waits For Her Appeal Against Jail Time Results

North Cyprus News - Meryem Ozkurt - BRTK General Director

Friday, 1 July 2022 Director of Bayrak Radio and Television Corporation, Meryem Özkurt, this morning. will hear if her appeal against a two month prison sentence for breaking election bans was successful. The High Court will announce its decision regarding the two months and 20 days prison sentence given by the Nicosia District Court’s decision […]

Another Traffic Accident Caused by Speeding

North Cyprus News - Traffic accident - Ortakoy

Friday, 1 July 2022 A speeding driver who lost control of his vehicle struck a lampost in the early hours of this morning, BRT reported. The incident occurred on Ali Rıza Efendi Street in Ortaköy at around 03.30 today. Fortunately, no one was injured. Meanwhile, the police are continuing their investigation into the accident. BRTK