Massive Increase in Passengers Using Ercan Airport

Friday, 2 September, 2022 Figures show that the number of passengers using Ercan Airport this June was over 390 percent more compared to June, 2021, Yeniduzen reports. According to a written statement issued by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, 132,800 passengers arrived at Ercan Airport in June while the number of departing passengers […]
Kib-Tek Bosses Liable to Fold Under Political Pressure

Friday, 2 September 2022 The Chairman and Board of Director of state-owned electricity authority Kib-Tek need to stand up to political pressure, Yeniduzen reports. The aforementioned management positions are appointed politically, and there have been five changes of chairman since April 1, largely due to government interference, the report says. The latest chairman of the […]