New Ideas Needed on Cyprob: Alexander Downer

Alexander Downer - President Tatar

President Ersin Tatar met with Alexander Downer, former Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs and former Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General on Cyprus, at the Presidency on Friday. The meeting included the Special Representative of the President, Güneş Onar, and their respective delegations. President Tatar expressed his pleasure at Mr. Downer’s visit to the Turkish […]

Temps to Rise Above Seasonal Norms

North Cyprus News - Sunny weather - Sea

According to the latest forecast from the Met Office, the region will be under the influence of a high-pressure system in the first half of the week and a low-pressure system with a hot and relatively humid air mass in the second half. The highest air temperatures will be around 33-36 C inland and 29-32 […]

Warnings of Waste Crisis and Fire Hazards

Gungor Solid Waste Landfill Site

 The country’s only solid waste landfill site has turned into an uncontrolled dumping ground, and the Chamber of Environmental Engineers has warned of a significant increase in landfill fires, Kibris Postasi reports. President of the Chamber of Environmental Engineers, Sibel Paralik, stated that, “The Güngör Domestic Solid Waste Landfill, designed to have a 30-year waste […]

Arrested for Assaulting Ex-Wife and Police Officers

North Cyprus News - Police

A suspect accused of assaulting his ex-wife and the suspect’s brothers accused of assaulting the police officers who arrived at the scene were arrested and brought to court in Gönyeli. In court, the police relayed the details of the incident, stating that the suspect named A.K. argued with and assaulted his ex-wife around 21:10 on […]

Nicosia State Hospital A&E Facing Collapse

North Cyprus News - Ambulances

The Emergency Department of Nicosia State Hospital, which largely shoulders the burden of emergency cases in North Cyprus, is on the brink of collapse, Yeniduzen reports. The A&E department, which can no longer keep up with the increasing population, serves an average of 800 people per day. In 2023, the A&E department had 106,847 calls […]