Stormy Weather Forecast For The Weekend


Friday, 18 March, 2022. A cold front will bring stormy weather over the weekend with snow forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday next week, BRT reported. According to the Met Office, on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, the weather is expected to be partly cloudy and frosty in the mornings. Tuesday and Wednesday will be partly cloudy […]

Two Men Detained For Causing Four Million TL Worth of Damage

North Cyprus News - police - arrest - handcuffs

Friday, 18 March, 2022. Two men have re-appeared at Famagusta Court following their arrest for stealing electric cables and causing around four million Turkish Lira’s worth of damage, Kibris Postasi reported. The police are continuing their investigation into the theft of electric cable by the suspects Selim Esergül and Hüseyin Kara. The court ruled that […]

New Ferry Service to Famagusta Coming


A new ferry service between Hatay in Turkey and Famagusta will begin at the end of May. The Hatay Sea Bus (HADO) will make its first voyage to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. As of the end of May, regular voyages start from Hatay to Famagusta Port The trip will take five hours.   […]