Derinya Border Crossing Problem Resolved

Friday, 20 May 2022 The problem experienced by Turkish Cypriots wishing to cross to the south via the Derinya border checkpoint has been resolved, Yeniduzen has reported. As of this morning, normal crossing via Derinya was resumed after the issue was dealt with by the Peace Corps. It was said that a lack of personnel […]
Tatar Reacts to Government Critics

Friday, 20 May 2022 President Ersin Tatar, reacting to protests made by the CTP before the UBP-DP-YDP coalition government received a vote of confidence at the Assembly yesterday, stated that “he does not find it right to do politics in a way that will shake the political balances from history” and urged everyone to be […]
People’s Party Deputies to Resign in Protest

Friday, 20 May 2022 The People’s Party (HP) will not remain silent about the practices that are contrary to democracy and ignore the will of the people, a written statement issued by the HP said, BRT reported. The statement said that there had been increasing breaches in democracy in recent times, and that HP would […]
First Hatay Ferry Arrived at Kyrenia Port

Friday, 20 May 2022 The first Sea Bus journey took place between Hatay and Kyrenia yesterday, BRT reported. The passengers on the double-hulled ferry’s first trip were Hatay Büyükeşehir Mayor Lütfü Savaş, a number of Hatay deputies, mayors, city council members, headmen, Cyprus veterans, business people, Hatay Civilizations Choir and members of the press. […]